real date: 12 luty 2008

tags: kalais, blog, illustration, mouse, painting, expedition

Since this work I began my journey into the world of digital painting. For the first time I drawn not so bad light and perspective, but of course they are far from perfection. But practice makes perfect, and I hope I will do progress all the time. Of course, I painted it with a mouse. It is speed painting for a competition with a limited time - 100 min.

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luk4sz3k :D - 04-05-2008, 21:38
spoko prace :D troche poczwiczysz i juz :D masz talent :) mi siê podoba.. ;]

luk4sz3k :D - 04-05-2008, 21:38
spoko prace :D troche poczwiczysz i juz :D masz talent :) mi siê podoba.. ;]

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