real date: 23 March, 2010

tags: kalais, blog, illustration, pen, tablet, painting, asturias, characters, couple

This time a little different style than usally. I began this illustration with a couple of spots painted a few months ago. From spots scenery emerged. Everything inspired mainly by music track "Asturias" by the Spanish composer Isaac Albéniz. and by other music from the Iberian Peninsula. I haven't posted this work here, because the whole time it was missing something. Finally, I added characters, their faces represent my mood from that day ;) Small fix of few details a few days ago, and voilà, here's a new illustration.

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Noktis - 29-03-2010, 15:47
Ale te postacie nie maja przecież twarzy... ;-)

Kalais - 29-03-2010, 19:31
kwestia interpretacji ;)

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