real date: 16 March, 2009

tags: kalais, blog, illustration, painting, paint, watercolours, eunika

Around 2 months ago I created this painting :) This is my first "picture" painted with traditional (not digital) media aka watercolours. An experiment, I had a lot of fun with this one, it took me 3 days because I had to wait until the paint dries. It is painted on the thick paper bag :) Size is approximately 35cm x 50cm. I certainly will paint again with traditional watercolours because I really enjoyed creating this one :)

Hmm, the idea for this work came from the photo of girl named Eunika (I saw her somewhere over the internet and somehow she stuck in my memory) and my great and extraordinary journey to the supermarket among the great snows and lonely forever and always interesting trees. And somehow it all mixed in one vision. :)

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