real date: 20 June, 2008

tags: kalais, blog, illustration, tablet, painting, fishing, bird-fish

Another illustration and training my skills, I did not focus on details. My problem is I can't practice like every normal person and learn by drawing a boring still life and anatomy exercises ... Maybe some day... So another speed-painting, around 3 hours. Tablet and photoshop. Probably bird-fishes won't fall for such a trivial method of catching them ;)

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Klekot - 20-06-2008, 17:31
No nie no to to ci wyszlo zajebiscie ;DDD

luk4sz3k - 20-06-2008, 17:51
dokładnie ;] zajebista praca..

Kalais - 23-06-2008, 08:47
Klekot, luk4sz3k - dzieki za commenty, fajnie ze sie Wam podoba :)

Kasha79 - 25-12-2011, 21:26
Ha, ptakorybki sa swietne!

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