real date: 05 January, 2009
tags: kalais, blog, illustration, tablet, painting, typical, couple, gangster, solarium, bmw
Today I post something from the promised illustrations. The ones I was painting a bit longer and they have more details.
Darius and Anya are a typical couple. Darius looks a bit like a gangster, shaved head and weight above the norm, he is very familiar with solarium. He drives a BMW car. He rarely smiles, except the situations he must. He works at father's company which producing plastic caps to siphon under the washbasin. He is the manager and he can shout on staff, whenever he want to feel as a really important person. He has a house (which was built with the father's money) with the most modern home theater. The things he got, makes him a person who is he. When he holds the remote and changing the channels in tv from the car show to a football match he feels like a king of the world.
Anya likes strong, resourceful, imperious and resolute men. She also likes to look good - be fashionably dressed, tanned in a solarium, use an expensive cosmetics, go to the best beauty salons. Shopping malls are her second home. She likes to be lifted everywhere, she does not like to drive. Darius offer her all those things, that's why she loves him.