real date: 07 July, 2009
tags: kalais, blog, illustration, tablet, painting, wip, work, in, progress
Thousands of ideas per minute, experimenting with various techniques, with different themes. I have a lot of open projects, they are on various progress level, some are just sketches, others just have waiting for some minor fixes. There's also some illustrations finished, I will write more about those soon. Below you can few random unfinished illustrations - work in progress.
Kaśka S. - 08-07-2009, 11:00
No wreszcie coś wrzuciłeś :-)
Wrzuć to walentynkowe i ślubne! :-)
przeor - 19-01-2010, 19:26
hej kal, no i gdzie te pracki?
Kalais - 19-01-2010, 21:56
ta pierwsza ilustracja juz jest :P
ta druga na gorze bedzie "wkrotce"
a te dwie na dole, hmm, jakos, kiedys, gdzies :P
serwis - 18-05-2010, 11:58
serwis komputerowy wrocław